Last February, my daughter, Ashley, made a decision to change her life.  She had given birth the prior year to her son Luke and after 6 months had slipped into what she called “The New Mom Fog.”  Maybe it was a bit of post partum depression.  It seems after we give birth to our children- especially the first one we kind of go through an identity crisis.  The question of who am I, and how can I can be a good mother, along with all the other obligations I have.


By February 2017 she had reached an all time low.  Her business had suffered, she was sleep-deprived; however, her dream of creating her own business was still there- as faint as it may have been.  On February 20, she learned of some other moms who had achieved success through a Social Media Channel and made the biggest decision of her career.  She decided to go ALL IN.  This was the moment everything changed.


On March 1 we sat down to go over goals.  There was a Success Trip she could qualify for- but she would really have to achieve great things by March 31 to earn that Trip.  Looking into her eyes I asked her to trust herself.  I asked her to hold on to the vision that it was possible.  She agreed and got to work.  She has never worked so hard.


By March 31 she reached that goal.  On that Success Trip to Iceland that took place in September 2017- Ashley was the only person on her team there.  She made a goal to have 25 business partners with her on the next trip.


By December 31, 2017 Ashley has 17 Business Associates along with their spouses or partners who have earned a trip to South Africa.  That is 34 people going together on this trip.


The Power of a decision, the power of belief in what is possible- along with Going the Extra Mile each day has resulted in huge success. Can’t wait to see what 2018 brings.  Her next goal is 60 business partners on this next trip.  I believe it will happen! 

All 17 team members who qualified for the Success Trip.

All 17 team members who qualified for the Success Trip.
