For some reason, I have always had big Dreams and Goals.  It was taught to me by my parents as I witnessed them Dream and create their dreams.  The feeling of being able to create the life that you want fills me with hope and excitement. When I was young I decided to believe that my life was supposed to have great meaning, that this life was precious and there was so much I wanted to achieve.


Many people hold themselves back because they are afraid of failure.  Or maybe what holds people back is the fact that when we set a goal and a deadline- many times we don’t make that goal at that time.  But instead of giving up on our goal- all you do is set a new deadline.  The key is to not let yourself be so disappointed that you are willing to restart. It doesn’t matter how many times you fail, only that you get back up and start again.


Our daughter Ashley has been a great example of a person willing to keep restarting. She followed me and has set goals with crazy deadlines.  And if she did not make it, as many times we don’t- she just would restart.


Now today it is so rewarding to see her finally hit her stride and achieve her wild dreams.  It took her 10 years of personal development and building up her inner strength, but now she is the leader she was always meant to be.


What a joy as a parent to watch our daughter experience her greatness.  We are so filled with excitement for her future and how she will impact the world.

