In February of this year Ashley, my daughter decided to finally go ALL in to making her dreams come true.  It had been 10 + years of mentoring and developing herself. She had realized a dream of becoming a wife and mother and now she was ready to explode her business.


Finally on February 20 the pain of Staying the Same became worse than the Fear of Change.  This is a magic flash point when you realize in order to achieve what you want in life you must take yourself on.  She got mad!  She finally decided to do whatever it takes.  She finally decided to give up the doubts in her mind that she could do it.


When you get to this point something magical happens.  When you decide to take 100% responsibility for your life and your dreams, a huge weight is lifted!  This may be opposite of what you think may happen.


On February 20 she changed her life.  Ashley decided her dream was worth all the effort she could put into it.  On March 1st she faced a huge goal to achieve by March 31.


My only coaching was to Suspend Doubt everyday and do the following 1) Believe it was possible to achieve her Goal  (not allowing doubt to creep in) and 2) work as hard as she could each day on the most important activities (pushing herself each day to just do 1 more thing at the end of that day than she thought she could do) and finally 3) to have fun.


By March 31 Ashley achieved her goal. This achievement set her up for a rapid growth phase in her business that has only gained momentum every month.


Each month her goals expand and she is achieving more than she ever believed possible.  It all came from that One Defining Moment- the decision to Change and Grow as a leader.  It came from the decision that her Goals and Dreams were absolutely necessary to achieve in her life!

