
Mentor Daughters


Mentor Daughters



About Us

This blog is for all of the Mothers out there who are as excited as I am to have a daughter.

We live in the most interesting time of history.  In my lifetime women have been through so much and changed the way the world works.  I have seen a world change and evolve and the opportunities presented to women are enormous.

It is my passion and obligation to pass on to my daughter all that I know.  I feel especially fortunate to have been raised by a powerful Mother, who was raised by a powerful Mother.  My father is powerful too.  But my Mother showed me what was possible as a woman.  Now it is my turn to do the same.

I remember begging my mother for a sister, and she just didn’t produce.  So when I got pregnant for the first time-  I wanted a healthy baby, of course- but secretly   I was really hoping to have a baby girl.

My wish was granted when my daughter Ashley was born.

Ashley was given two incredible and magnificent brothers who are cherished by me just as much.

But this blog is for the girls