When I was 36 weeks pregnant my doctor saw that our baby was breech (butt/feet down). Once he confirmed this he told me we would have to deliver the baby with a C-section.  This was so disappointing to me, as I had planned on having a natural birth.

On Wednesday August 31st I walked in to the hospital at 7am to be checked in. I’m not sure what I thought the c-section would be like, but it was much BETTER than I could have ever imagined. It probably helped that I LOVE my doctor, my nurse and the anesthesiologist (who was talking about Game of Thrones the whole time to distract me.) I loved having Doug by my side and watching as the whole surgery was happening. Such a beautiful thing knowing Doug saw our baby come in to this world, and because we didn’t know the sex it was magical for Doug to announce that we had a little boy.

 It turned out that the C-section was truly a blessing for our baby.  There were several reasons he could not turn into the birth canal.

 I always knew that the most important thing was having a healthy baby (didn’t really matter how he got here). So for me it was a huge lesson in surrendering to what is and trusting that God always has a plan.

 I would like to introduce all of you to my baby boy Luke William Robichaud.  He was born Aug 31st 2016. 10:17am 7 pounds 2 ounces. 
