As we begin watching the Olympics from Rio De Janeiro it brings back so many great memories.  Our favorite sport to watch is Gymnastics and specifically Women’s Gymnastics.  This sport is so beautiful and the women are so beautifully strong.  It was certainly one of the influences Ashley had as a child that inspired her to begin learning Gymnastics.  She was a natural even as a child, somersaulting through the house and from room to room.  My friend Grace suggested she go into gymnastics because she was so flexible.  So she got started and it became her passion.  She devoted so much time to this sport.  It is a great sport for girls as it helps them develop their confidence and strength.  She ended up getting all the way to Level 7 which was great.  In High School she then used her Gymnastics to get into All Star Cheerleading which she continued in College.  I learned that it is so important to develop the love for fitness and sports at an early age.  Each child needs to find what they like and then commit themselves to that.  Ashley later coached Gymnastics as well which has given her added skills that help in her business today.
