When Ashley was growing up she was obsessed with the Disney movie Cinderella.  We would watch it together and I am pretty sure we watched it over 50 times.  The overall message was so great and that was to believe in your dreams even when others did not. The obstacles Cinderella faced were a great example of how we can’t listen to others opinion of us.  We should believe in ourselves always.

 Then Disney introduced a new Cinderella and it was my son who told me to watch it. So on one of my long flights to Latin America I watched the new Cinderella.  Well this movie is amazing and even more great messages.  The one that really impacted me what when her real mother was dying and she looked Cinderella in the eyes and held her hand and said- Cinderella- always remember to Have Courage and Be Kind.

 Really life is so great if we all remember these things. Our relationships, our families our communities, our country and our world would be a better place if we all remembered this.

