When Ashley and her brothers were young our night ritual was a warm bath and then reading a book while they were in their bed ready to fall asleep.  For a while all 3 kids shared a room.  It was so fun to read books together.  One of our favorite books was the 3 Little Pigs.

Every time we read the 3 Little Pigs it reminded me of my business and what I needed to do to succeed.  The best Children’s books give great lessons.

If you remember- the 3 Little Pigs all wanted to build a house- but the first 2 Little Pigs took an easier route and built houses of straw and sticks.  Their bright idea of taking the easy way out did not work for them- they got destroyed by the Wolf. It was the 3rd Little Pig who took his time to build a house of bricks.  It was harder and it took longer, but it saved him from the Wolf!

Each time I would read this book to my kids, I would think about my life and my business and each time I would decide that it was worth it to do the hard thing, and sometimes take the long road because in the end it would work out best.  That is exactly what happened in my life. 
