Today I heard again about the parable of the Talents. If you have never heard this story- it is story about how each of us are given “gifts” or “talents”. These talents are very valuable. A “talent” in biblical times is equivalent to 15 years of wages. This story is not really about money though.

In the story the servant who was given 5 talents took those and invested them and made them 10. The 2nd servant was given 2 talents. He took those and invested them and made 4. The 3rd servant was only given 1 talent. He was so filled with fear that he would lose that 1 talent that he buried it to keep it safe.

The story goes on to tell us something shocking. The message is basically if you don’t use the talents you were given- whatever you were given will be taken away. We have to use our gifts to the best of our abilities- we must invest in ourselves to continue to grow- or that which we have will be taken away- we will decay and die.

Looking upon my life I feel that I have been given so much. My beautiful children are so special to me. As I continue to grow and develop myself I hope to inspire them to do the same.

It is easy to get complacent and lazy and not grow. I just don’t like the feeling of being the same. It is much more exciting to push myself into new areas of growth.

