We are all either growing or decaying. There is no such thing as staying the same.  When our lives are great there is a tendency to want to pull back and stay safe- keep our lives the same. This has happened to me at times.  This is a dangerous trap to fall into.

 It is important to always be a Seeker.  A Seeker is someone who is always wanting to improve and get better.  There is no possibility that we could ever use up all of our potential, so becoming better should be a habit that is developed.

 Wayne Dyer is one of my all -time favorite teachers.  He died recently and it is hard to believe he is no longer with us.  One of his lessons was recorded in Assisi, Italy.  I was drawn to watch this video and was fascinated to listen to him because we recently went to Assisi and I was filled with inspiration while touring this hill town in the Umbria section of Italy.  It was a special trip because we were with close friends and my girlfriend’s father had spent time in Assisi living in the monastery before he was lead to marry her mother.

 From this recording Wayne Dyer recommended a book about St. Francis written by Nikos Kazantzakis.  Since I believe people lead us to lessons we need to learn, I am now reading that book.  This book would never have otherwise crossed my path.  It is fascinating learning about this man who grew up in Assisi and had a profound impact on the world we know today.  I am loving the lessons so far learning about his life.


Our trip to Assisi, Italy in 2015
