If you don’t already know… NOW you know… I am 9 months pregnant and having a baby in the next 2 weeks. I have had an amazing pregnancy and I am loving being pregnant. I can’t wait to meet our baby soon. This post was inspired by a woman I met about a month ago. I was at a wellness fair and this psychic came up to me and started telling me about my baby. She said “your little girl is very intuitive and there is a special reason why she picked you as her mom”. (Now I was shocked and touched at the same time – we don’t know the sex of the baby so that was my shock) I will be so happy either way… boy or girl. But this sentence made me think on a very deep level. I believe in God, and I do believe he gives us our parents for a purpose. Most people say either you want to be like your parents or you want to be the opposite of your parents. I always knew I wanted to be just like my mom. My mom is one of the most beautiful, loving and driven people I know. My mom LOVES to work. Yes she LOVES to work and she has the biggest most consistent work ethic I know. She is also very good at looking in the mirror and seeing what she needs to work on and improve. When she had the courage to go full time in her business and she built a large team of people here and all over the world and I witnessed her create absolute freedom, what it did for me was I finally realized that I too could go for my dreams and that my dreams could become a reality. I believe that we all have certain things that hold us back in life. Just realize that your kids, your loved ones, your friends are waiting for you to make it happen so they too can realize that they can do it. I am very blessed that God gave me the parents I have… I know that it was on purpose and I look forward to starting my family with my husband. 

37 weeks pregnant! 

37 weeks pregnant! 
