Sometime’s you have to get back to the root of “Why” you are doing what you are doing. It is important to always stay true to the fundamental truth of your “why”. I know that I can get caught up in the daily activity and making things happen and begin to lose sight of the huge vision of what I want to create in my life.  The day I graduated from college I made a decision to be mentored by my mom, to learn her international business. It was the greatest decision.  Everyday I get to wake up in complete joy knowing that what I am doing is making a difference in world.  I always need to remind myself of the vision we have as a team. Our vision is to help and show people how to create financial and time freedom. And most importantly, How to create a legacy.  I believe that what we do in this lifetime makes a difference. I believe we all want to be a part of something big.  I know I do. I am thankful to my mom everyday that she found a great company to be partnered with. We are making a difference.  We are making history. My vision is to be a top leader with our company and create the life I always dreamed of while showing others how to do the same. I want to be financially free and then have the time to start a family.  I know that sometimes it can be hard to hold on to your vision, your goals. My only advice is to keep your vision alive. It is possible. Dreams do come true. Thanks to my mom for showing me this huge life lesson.

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